Visa Virén explores building a self-aware collective.

To experience the energy-information flow in emptiness, imagine cutting a hole in the ice, taking a swim, then gazing up into the space between two stars. It’s in these moments of surrender that we touch the vast field of energy and information that connects us all.
Visa Virén, a visionary from Finland — where the light emerges from the North — offers profound insights into how we can dissolve the boundaries of self and tap into this universal flux. He illuminates our ability to embrace the wholeness of existence by becoming aware of the interconnected energy field we’re immersed in and deeply a part of.
Visa’s work focuses on helping us unify our three "brains": the mind (words), the heart (images), and the gut (action). By tuning into our auric and biofields, he shows how we can communicate beyond words and foster deeper, more authentic connections. Through the principles of Holokinetics, he invites us to release rigid identities and allow energy to flow freely through the collective whole.
In the final segment of this podcast episode, Visa introduces the concept of the Collective Self-Observer — a tool for enhancing the self-awareness of humanity as a collective organism. Together, we explore how this awareness can address enduring power dynamics, like the recurring “Power Pyramid” structure, where a few hold dominance over the many.
Visa’s insights offer a pathway to reimagine how we organize and connect as a global community.
Meet Visa now on the Connecting with Coincidence podcast:
Visa Virén, founder of Holokinetics, is a nature enthusiast, co-entrepreneur, and explorer of life. Over the past 15 years, he has experienced a deepening collapse of local identity, allowing new layers of perceptual reality to emerge. Through Holokinetics, Visa playfully shares life’s paradoxes, integrating science, philosophy, and spirituality to guide collective inquiry into non-local awareness and emergent knowledge. He emphasizes the shift from rigid, individualistic perceptions to a fluid, interconnected understanding of reality, fostering collective intelligence and creative exploration.
And don’t miss our other coincidence podcasts and synchronicity podcasts here…
Photo by Birger Strahl on Unsplash