Ever wondered if we’re living in a video game simulation? We are.
Rizwan (Riz) Virk knows a thing or two about synchronicity and how it ties into our lives. In fact, he can explain in depth how our reality is like a video game — or even the groundbreaking film, The Matrix.
A graduate of MIT and Stanford, Riz is a successful entrepreneur, video game pioneer, film producer, venture capitalist, and computer scientist. Get ready to journey with us deeply into software, cookies, karma, and intention in this fascinating podcast episode.
Before we put on our virtual reality helmets, here’s a synchronicity story of my own:
Back in my hippie days in the late 1960s, I went to a dance hall at the south end of Golden Gate Park in San Francisco. When the band started up, the crowd was unengaged, murmuring at the back of the hall. The singer started pushing her tune to engage them. It wasn’t working. So, I walked into the empty space between the crowd and the band. I crossed my arms over the lovely purple sweater my mother had knitted for me and stood there looking directly at the singer. She caught my eyes, her face lit up, and energy flowed between us, radiating through me and reverberating back to where the audience was gathered. That triggered the action. The crowd moved into the empty space and began dancing all around me. It was as if I had connected the singer to the audience. The funny thing is, as I stood there watching her sing, some guy walked in between me and her, blocking the energy. It was evidence that he didn’t like what I was doing, and it suggests there was something going on that helped generate not only her ability to sing, but that someone didn’t like my idea of energic coincidence and how it connected the crowd.
This week’s podcast guest also has some fascinating ideas about how coincidences and energy connect us all.
Rizwan Virk was the founder of Play Labs at MIT and is currently completing a PhD and teaching classes at both the College of Global Futures and the Fulton Schools of Engineering at Arizona State University.
He’s the bestselling author of books such as The Simulation Hypothesis: An MIT Computer Scientists Shows Why AI, Quantum Physics and Eastern Mystics Agree We Are in a Video Game, Startup Myths & Models: What You Won't Learn in Business School, Treasure Hunt: Follow Your Inner Clues to Find True Success, and Zen Entrepreneurship: Walking the Path of the Career Warrior.
Virk is currently a venture partner at Griffin Gaming Partners, one of the world’s leading video game VC funds, and has invested in successful startups including Discord, Theta Labs, Upland and Tapjoy. His startups have created software used by the Fortune 500, and they have created video games played by millions, including Tap Fish and games based on Game of Thrones, Star Trek, The Walking Dead, Grimm and Penny Dreadful.
Follow Riz on X (Twitter) and Facebook.
Join Riz on the Connecting with Coincidence podcast now!
And don’t forget to explore our other coincidence podcasts and synchronicity podcasts…
Photo by JESHOOTS.COM on Unsplash