Bernard Beitman, M.D.
Coincidence Expert

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Meaningful Coincidences: How and Why Synchronicity and Serendipity Happen
Get ready to expand your view of reality.
In this groundbreaking book, Bernard Beitman, M.D., explores how and why coincidences, synchronicity, and serendipity happen — and how you can use them for psychological, interpersonal, and spiritual growth.
Meet Dr. Coincidence.
Bernard Beitman, M.D. is a graduate of Yale Medical School and did his psychiatric residency at Stanford University. Excelling in football and baseball in high school and college shaped his understanding of coincidences. He served as chair of psychiatry of the University of Missouri-Columbia medical school for 17 years, is the co-author of the award-winning book Learning Psychotherapy, is a blogger for Psychology Today on coincidence, hosts the Connecting with Coincidence podcast, and has authored two books about meaningful coincidences. The founder and president of The Coincidence Project, he lives in Charlottesville, Virginia.